The Highway of Heroes Trees Campaign

150,000 trees will be planted along the 401 corridor and on nearby properties where owners agree to reforestation on five acres or more. Funding also provided for 70,000 trees planted in 2020. In partnership with Forests Ontario.

10,000 native trees and shrubs will be planted in Betty Sutherland Trail Park, in a protected area along the East Don River near Sheppard Avenue and Leslie Street. Work began Fall 2020 with preparation and conditioning of the soil with compost and mulch to ensure tree survival.  Trees will be planted Spring 2021. 

 3,600 trees will be planted in honour of Canadians who gave their lives in the battle of Vimy Ridge, 1917. Inspired by a field map of the battle, The Vimy Ridge Park features perennial meadow plantings and illustrates the placement of the Canadian Infantry Brigades the morning of April 9th, 1917.  At Brock Road in Whitby, south of the 401. In partnership with Town of Whitby and Durham Region.
